Wednesday 31 July 2013

Reflection 4- Glogster

Hi all,

As a part of this weeks work on assessment task 1 we were asked to look at three different digital tools which can be used within the classroom to present or collate information. These tools included PowerPoint, Prezi and Glogster. In the past I have worked with all three of these digital tools but have had more extensive experience with the use of PowerPoint. I believe that PowerPoint is an excellent tool for use in the classroom as it is supports a range of multimedia tools and has a range of uses. For the purposes of this blog I chose not to review PowerPoint for the simple fact that I have worked with it in great detail. Prezi is another effective tool for use in the classroom as it allows students to present information and various forms of multimedia. Although i have worked with this tool in the past, I have faced many troubles with it. I believe this is because prezi is better suited for global learners and I am a sequential learner. For this reason I chose not to work with prezi although i do realise that teachers need to support a range of learning styles within the classroom.

This week I chose to work with the digitial tool 'Glogster'. The term glogster is short for graphics blog. It is an online social media website which allows its users to create online posters. These posters can support a range of text, images, videos and sound recordings. Users are also able to link viewers to a range of websites and insert a range of provided graphics. Glogster is excellent for use in the classroom as it provides students with the opportunity to work with a range of multimedia types. Students can use these forms of multimedia to learn new concepts or to present their knowledge to their peers/teacher. With the introduction of a range of new technologies our society is becoming more and more reliant on technology and multi-media.  As mentioned in last weeks e-learning moodle work "multi-media is one of the most important affordances of e-learning." This is why I believe it is vital that students are exposed to a range of multi-media concepts and various forms of ICTs from a young age.

Gloster is a relatively easy tool to use for students of all ages, teachers, businesses, advertisers and the general public. Previously I have used Glogster to create a range of online task cards for a university assessment task. Following is a basic guide to creating a Glogster account and creating a glog.

Creating a glogster account is as simple as typing in your email address and creating a password. On creating an account users are also given the option to link their glogster account to their facebook account to find friends and family also using this program. Once logged on users can begin creating their glogster account. For new users I highly recommend watching a few YouTube videos about the features and how to use glogsters. This will make the program much simpler to use (Although it is already relatively easy). Following is just one of the many YouTube instruction videos available for new gloster users.

As you can see from this video creating a glog is a very simple process. Although the layout your glogster website may be a little different from the above video it will still be relatively easy to navigate. When creating a new blog users are presented with the option to choose from a range of blog templates. After a template is chosen the first step is to select a background. Backgrounds can simply be a plain colour, a background created by glogster, or an uploaded background. When choosing a background glogster gives users the ability to search for backgrounds from google, picasa, Flickr, photobucket and facebook.

The next stage is to add your text, images and audio recordings. Adding text to a glogster is a simple process. In fact adding text is as simple as adding a text box and beginning to write.Text books come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours and can all be edited.

The addition of images, audio and videos can be done in two different ways. Users are given the option to embed the multi-media source into the glog or link viewers to the source via a URL code. Embedding images into the glog is much more effective as it is easily accessible by viewers and makes the glog more visually appealing.

Once the glog is completed users can publish their glog. When publishing users are given the option to select their desired privacy settings. This allows users to make their glog viewable by the public or themselves only. Before publishing users are also given the option to tag their glog to make it easier to find by other users. After the glog has been published users are given a URL address for their glog (Following is the URL address for my first glog: Users are also given the option to share their glog via facebook, twitter or google +. Embedding a glog within blogs or other similar programs is as easy as accessing the HTML code and copying it into the blog.

In order to become familiar with glogster and how it works, I have created my own glog.

While working within glogster I tried out several different features. I embedded a video, images and graphics and text. I have also added hyperlinks to sections of the text so viewers could find more information on the chosen topic.

While becoming familiar with this online platform I found that there are two different sections of glogster. When a user initially accesses the glogster website they are given the option to enter Glogster EDU or the free version of glogster. The educational section of this program allows teachers to create their own glogster account. This account differs from standard glogster accounts as it allows teachers to register their students as users on glog, but retain the right to see what they are working on and viewing.

The use of glogs in the classroom support a range of learning outcomes. Glog encourages students to become more familiar with the use of ICTs and multi-media tools. In many cases glogs can encourage collaborative learning, creativity, presentation skills and even the gathering of information for class tasks and assignments. The most obvious use of glogsters is to replace or substitute the use of the original print based poster. Using a glog over a poster is beneficial as it allows students to place educational videos and useful links. It can also save parents money spent on glue, ink and paper (and the many hours helping children create their poster).

The use of glogsters in the classroom is an excellent tool for teachers to support visual learners. It allows teachers to provide students with visual elements to print based or verbal explanations. This can help make boring subjects more interesting or difficult concepts easier to understand. Like many of the digital tools we have looked at so far, the use of the glog in classrooms is supported by the social constructivist learning theory. This theory suggests that learning should be based around social interactions by the student and teacher. This includes collaboration via online platforms like glogster.

The use of glogster can be integrated into many classroom activities. The first of these uses could be as a visual aid for speeches and presentations. Following is an example of a student glog which could be used as a part of presentation. To complete this glog students would need to research, plan and create this poster. Students could also be required to present a speech.

created by- rachelb2000

Teachers could also use glogster as tool for students to present science projects, book reports, brainstorming sessions, collation of research, character profiles, word walls and art analysis. Like many of the digital tools we have looked at so far, the uses of glogster are only limited by the teachers imagination and student ability.  Teachers are able to use glog to explain new concepts, engage students in a new unit of work, to create word walls or even a classroom pin board of the days/week events.

Overall I believe that glogster is an effective tool for use in the classroom as it supports a range of learning outcomes and can be used in a wide range of classroom activities. To explore glogster for your self click on the following link: glogster

Thanks for reading.

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